Wonderland Madness

Blogg om mitt liv och mina intressen.

Need help.

Kategori: Crazii stuff.

Ummm.. Hi! Sorry that this is in english but feelt like write in english right now.
Well as you can see so do I need help with something.
I am trying to write lycris about gettin heart broken.
Never have experience (?) that so really need help with the feeling of it.
I would be really happy if you readers can write a comment about how it feels getting dumped.
Like how you were getting dumpt and like if he/she dumped you for another.
And ofcourse you can be anomymous. (?) 
I am kinda into heart broken and pain.
I dont know why but it may be becouse I never really feelt really happy befor.
I we gotten into this like when I got into pink and love.
Now I am into pain and black.

Please, I really would need your help.

XOXO Amanda.


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